73 Park Street | Manchester, CT 06040 | (860) 643-5088 | Fax: (860) 649-6462 | e-mail: info@saintjamesschool.net
Saint James School
73 Park Street
Manchester, CT 06040
(860) 643-5088
Fax: (860) 649-6462
e-mail: info@saintjamesschool.net
Manchester, CT 06040
(860) 643-5088
Fax: (860) 649-6462
e-mail: info@saintjamesschool.net
Girls Basketball 6th – 8th Grade
/in St. James Notices /by Saint James SchoolThere will be an Open Gym tonight (Wednesday) from 5:00pm – 6:30pm for girls in grades 6 – 8.
As announced by Mrs. Kanute this afternoon (and per Coach Sarpu), girls participating in Cross Country should not attend as they have a meet tomorrow.
Girls Varsity Basketball
/in St. James Notices /by Saint James SchoolPlayers for the Girls Varsity Team will be announced shortly. Girls Varsity Practices are as follows:
WEDNESDAY 11-2: 5:00pm to 7:00pm (Students invited to run in the XC State Meet do not participate in this practice)
MONDAY 11-7: 5:30 TO 7:30PM
WEDNESDAY 11-9: 5:00 TO 7:00PM
MONDAY 11-14: 5:30 TO 7:30PM
WEDNESDAY: 11-16: 5:00 TO 7:00PM
MONDAY 11-21: 5:30 TO 7:30PM
There will be a meeting for the parents and players at 7:00pm in the cafeteria after the first practice on Wednesday 11-2.
Children's Mass Helpers
/in St. James Notices /by jonesenParents of students in grades 6 – 8, please see the attached informational letter regarding our next SJS Children’s Mass.
November 13 Children’s Mass
Children’s Mass Helpers
/in St. James Notices /by Saint James SchoolParents of students in grades 6 – 8, please see the attached informational letter regarding our next SJS Children’s Mass.
November 13 Children’s Mass
We'd Appreciate Your Feedback
/in St. James Notices /by jonesenThank you to the parents who have filled out the survey about the Trunk or Treat event. If you have not completed the survey yet, please follow THIS LINK. Even if you did not attend the event, we’d appreciate your input so we can better prepare for next year. Thank you.
We’d Appreciate Your Feedback
/in St. James Notices /by Saint James SchoolThank you to the parents who have filled out the survey about the Trunk or Treat event. If you have not completed the survey yet, please follow THIS LINK. Even if you did not attend the event, we’d appreciate your input so we can better prepare for next year. Thank you.
Fundraiser Order Pick-Up Wednesday
/in St. James Notices /by Saint James SchoolCherrydale/Jeannine fundraiser items will be available for pick up on the gym stage on Wednesday 10/26 from 1:45-2:30. If you do not come to afternoon pick-up, your items will be available until 5:30pm on Wednesday (please ring the buzzer at the Breezeway door). PLEASE NOTE: We cannot store frozen and perishable food items so you must pick your items up by 5:30 on Wednesday. Contact Kate Davis at 70greenbean@sbcglobal.net with any questions.
We are also still in need of a parent or two to help with order distribution from 12-2:30 (most especially from 1:30-2:30). Please let Kate know if you can help at all. Thank you!
Trunk-or-Treat Was A Sweet Success!
/in St. James Notices /by Saint James SchoolThe HSA would like to extend a HUGE thank you to everyone who came out to our first ever Trunk or Treat! Your excitement and enthusiasm made this event such a success, and a little rain couldn’t bring us down. Your effort in decorating your trunks, tables, and in some cases…yourselves, was amazing! Thank you again for a wonderful afternoon. Enjoy all that candy!
SJS Parents, please take a moment to fill out a brief survey by following THIS LINK so we can work to make next year’s event even better! We’d appreciate your feedback even if you did not attend the event.
Basketball Tonight
/in St. James Notices /by Saint James SchoolBasketball Events for Monday October 24th:
5 pm to 7 pm Girls Grade 6, 7 & 8 Tryouts/Team selection
7pm to 8:30 pm Boys 7 & 8th Grade Tryouts/Team Selection
Tomorrow: Girls JV Basketball (Grades 4-6)
/in St. James Notices /by Saint James SchoolThe girls JV Basketball team (grades 4-6) will have tryouts on Tuesday, October 25th from 2:05pm – 4:00pm in the school gym. As a reminder, all players must have a 2016-2017 Athletics Health Form on file with the school in order to participate. Participating girls should be dismissed to the gym with the walkers at the end of the school day.
All 5th & 6th grade girls currently participating in Cross Country must go to XC practice on Tuesday instead of basketball. If your daughter is in grades 4-6 and plans to play basketball but will not be attending tryouts on Tuesday (because of XC or another reason), please e-mail Jaime Jablonecki (jasc5@att.net) to confirm your child will be playing this year. A second tryout date for JV Girls will be added to the schedule shortly.