SJS Students Win Szopka Competition

This past weekend, Saint James School 6th grade students entered the beautiful Polish Nativity Castles (“Szopka”) they have been working on for their religion studies into the annual Szopka competition sponsored by the Polish Cultural Club in Hartford.  Students, with much guidance from middle school teacher Ms. Carol Oleasz, put a lot of time and effort into making these beautiful palaces depicting the Holy Family and Baby Jesus.

We are excited to announce that Saint James students won first, second, and third place as well as four honorable mentions!  The winners are as follows (click pictures to enlarge):

1st Place:  Abby;  2nd Place: Lily;  3rd place (tie): Divya/Paolo;  Zach.

Honorable Mentions:  Lauren/Jillian;  Sean/Nick;  Eva/Andrew;  Ben & Cole.

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Dine-Out Tonight!

The Saint James School HSA is hosting a Dine-Out Night in support of Saint James School at Maggie McFly’s in the Buckland Hills Mall tonight from 4:00pm – 9:00pm.  Show your server the attached flyer and 10% of your purchase (dine-in or take-out) will be donated back to Saint James School!  As always, we thank you for your support!

Maggie Mcflys Dine-Out Flyer

Upcoming Basketball Games

The SJS Varsity Girls will play Saint Bridget at Saint Bridget School this Thursday, December 1st at 6pm, followed by the SJS Boys Varsity Gold at Saint Bridget at 7pm.

On Friday, the SJS Boys Varsity Blue (7th Grade) will play at St. Chris at 7:30pm.

Saturday, December 3rd, starts the SJS boys 4th & 5th grade league with two back-to-back games starting at 9:30am at the SJS Gym.  The Saint James JV teams (girls and boys) play at St. Tim’s in West Hartford on Saturday at 11:00am, 12:00pm, and 1:00pm.

Good luck Sabers!!

Christmas Shopping on

If you will be shopping on this Christmas season, please remember to enter the site through  By doing so, Saint James School will receive 0.5% of your purchase price deposited into our bank account!

If prompted to search for a charity, please select “St. James Church Corp” (donations will go into the school’s bank account…the school just falls under the Church’s tax id) or by clicking the “Get Started” button below.

Please share this information with your family and friends and remember to use the Smile.Amazon address each time you purchase from Amazon going forward. If you have any questions, please e-mail our Director of Advancement, Amy Guenther, at


St. James School

Happy Thanksgiving


On behalf of all of us at Saint James School and Saint James Church, we wish everyone a blessed and peaceful Thanksgiving holiday.

Enjoy this precious time with your family and friends and we will look forward to seeing you back at school on Monday, November 28th.

40% Off @ Land's End

Land’s End is offering 40% Off today by using code: Delight50 and Pin: 6281.  Orders over $50 ship for free.

40% Off @ Land’s End

Land’s End is offering 40% Off today by using code: Delight50 and Pin: 6281.  Orders over $50 ship for free.

Dennis Uniform Sale Monday

Dennis Uniforms is having a Sale on Monday, November 28, 2016.  One day only: 20% off  all online purchases + FREE SHIPPING.

Early Dismissal

Tomorrow, Wednesday, November 23rd is a 12:05pm dismissal day.  Aftercare will be in session but students going to aftercare will need to bring a lunch from home as there is no hot lunch served on early dismissal days.

There is no school on November 24th and 25th in observance of Thanksgiving.

Important Note:  Friday, December 9th is a 12:05pm Dismissal – THERE WILL NOT BE AFTERCARE AVAILABLE ON THIS DAY so please plan accordingly.

Instrumental Music Students

Please note, due to the shortened week, the Beginning, Intermediate,  and Advanced Bands will rehearse on Tuesday, November 22nd.