SJS Foundation Golf Outing

Thank You to everyone who came out to support the Saint James School Foundation’s 30th Annual Golf Event last night!!  We are extremely fortunate to have such a supportive community…

Hot Lunch Reminder

If your student (K-8) is buying hot lunch at school, please be sure you are funding their lunch account.  You can do this through the EZSchoolPay App or by sending in cash or a check (checks for hot lunch must be made out to Manchester Public Schools).  Please be sure any envelopes sent with money are labeled with your child’s name.

Cross Country Tomorrow

As a reminder, fully-registered Cross Country team members will have practice again tomorrow after school.  Athletic Character Contracts should be turned in tomorrow if they were not handed in today.

Fundraiser Ticket Turn-In Friday

Attention Pre-K3 through Grade 8 families: 

Thank you to everyone who has helped get our fundraiser off to a strong start by registering their student and sending support invitations to friends & family around the country!!  This Friday is our first WILD THINGZ Turn in day!

If you have not already done so, we hope you will sign up to participate in our fundraiser by registering your student(s) here:  Once you sign up, complete the DUNK Collectible Coupon on the fundraiser packet envelope and send that in with your student on Friday.  Each student that gets registered will be entered to win from over 1,000 different prizes including Apple Air Pods, MacBook Pros, Visa Gift Card, a Disney Vacation and more. 

Additionally, if your student has sold 2 or more fundraiser items so far, clip the appropriate tickets from THIS PAGE in the Cherrydale packet and send it in with your student on Friday morning (please put it in a baggie or envelope labeled with their name).

All sales are done online at 

A fun video with all the Jungle friends can be viewed HERE.

While all our school fundraisers are optional, our Cherrydale fundraiser is typically one of our most successful with a large percentage of sales coming back to our school.  We certainly appreciate your participation when possible!  If you have any questions, please contact the school office or email our parent volunteer coordinator for this fundraiser, Kate Davis, at

Attention: Aftercare Families

For families using the SJS Aftercare program, please be sure you write the TIME you are checking your student out on the paper sign-out form (in addition to signing out on the iPad).  Thank you!

Parking Reminder for Pre-K3 – Grade 8

Please remember that families are able to pull into the big parking lot (between the big school and the Pre-K building) this year at MORNING ARRIVAL (only).  If you opt to park on the street, please do not block that parking lot with your car.

For dismissal, all families will need to park on the street in a permitted spot.  Please take care not to block any of our neighbors’ driveways with your car.

Thank you!!

From the Bookkeeper

Please note that going forward, all checks coming to the school should be made out to Saint Teresa of Calcutta Parish.  Please write “Saint James School” in the memo field.

Sacrament Preparation Dates

For Saint James School students who will be completing the sacraments of 1st reconciliation and 1st communion this school year*, please mark your calendar for the following dates:

Sacrament Preparation Orientation
Sunday, September 29th

Sacrament Preparation Family Days
Sunday, January 26th AND Sunday, May 4th

On all three dates listed above, families should attend the 10:00am Mass at St. Bartholomew Church and the informational meeting immediately thereafter.

Sacrament Preparation Retreat
Saturday, February 8th 
St. Bartholomew Church


* Grade 2 Catholic students and any Catholic students in grades 3 and up that have not previously made their 1st communion but would like to do so this year.  For any questions, please reach out to your child’s teacher.

Advanced Band Lessons Begin Tomorrow

Students in Grades 5 – 8 will have lessons tomorrow (Wednesday, September 4th),  please have them bring their instruments to school.  Students new to SJS in Grades 5-8 that played an instrument at their prior school are welcome to bring their instrument and join their peers for this first lesson.

There will be an Instrumental Music Parent Meeting on Monday, September 9th at 6:00pm in the SJS Cafeteria.  The following parents/guardians should attend:

1) Parents/guardians of Grade 4 students who are interested in joining our instrumental music program this year.  Fourth grade is the first year students are eligible to join.

2) Parents/guardians of Grade 5 – 8 students who would like to start playing an instrument this year (did not play last year).

3) Parents/guardians of new Saint James School 5th – 8th grade students who played an instrument at their prior school.


Last Call: SJS Spiritwear

Please note, we have extended the deadline for ordering our optional school spiritwear and Cross Country spiritwear until tonight at midnight: