Mask Policy Update Reminder

As a reminder, Saint James School will be switching to a mask-optional policy for students and staff in our Pre-Kindergarten – Grade 8 classes beginning Monday, February 28th.   For students who will no longer be wearing a mask into the school building each day, please note that there may be times when a mask is still needed so please ensure students have at least one mask at their disposal (in their backpack or on a lanyard) each day.  Masks are still required on the school buses.   The full communication sent out yesterday regarding this policy change can be found here:

Reminder: Munson’s Fundraiser Due Monday

Munson’s Fundraiser orders are due to the SJS Main Office on Monday (February 28th)

The original posting on this can be found HERE.

Orders will be ready for pickup at school during the last week of March (exact pickup day will be posted on the email blast in March).

If you have any questions, please email HSA parent volunteer Karen Harley at

4th Grade STEM Club

A STEM Club session will be held after school on Monday, February 28 for students in 4th grade.  If your child would like to attend, please fill out the Permission Form below.  There are a limited number of spaces so students will be accepted on a first come, first serve basis.

STEM Club Permission Slip Grade 4 022822

Mid-Winter Recess Begins Tomorrow

As a reminder, Saint James School will be closed Friday, February 18th – Tuesday, February 22nd for our Mid-Winter Recess.  We will be back in session on Wednesday, February 23rd.

Calendar Pages February 2022

SJS Spirit Day

Tomorrow: Blue & Gold Dress Down

As a reminder, Saint James School will have our rescheduled Blue & Gold Dress Down Day tomorrow – Thursday, February 17th.

Parents, please note that our school’s policy book states that if a student opts to wear yoga pants/leggings on a dress down day, they must have a shirt that comes down to mid-thigh.

All standard dress down guidelines from the handbook apply to Thursday’s Dress Down, including:

  • Leggings are not permitted (unless the student is wearing a long shirt that comes down to mid-thigh)
  • No shorts, halter tops, half shirts, tank tops, and see-through tops
  • Waistbands must not sag below the waist. Pants legs must not drag on the floor.
  • High heels, platform shoes, flip-flops, open-toe sandals, and shoes with no backs are not allowed.
  • Clothing must not be torn, ragged, or have holes.

Parents will be called to bring a change of clothes if students are in dress down attire and school policies are not met.

Last Call: Returning Family Registration Forms Due Tomorrow

As a reminder, returning family registration forms are due back by tomorrow, Thursday, 2/17.  We will begin accepting new family registrations next week, and many grades do have a wait list so please ensure your paperwork is back by the deadline.  If you need another copy of the email or would like a hard copy sent home, please reach out to

School-Wide Rosary

2022 SJS Auction Help Needed

Reminder: Munson’s Fundraiser

Easter candies are NOW available online!

Please visit to order your favorite chocolate confections OR fill out the order form that went home with your child last week.

Please note, if using the online order option, you must send a check (made out to “St. James School HSA”) into the school office by Friday, February 25th.  Please mark the envelope HSA-Munson’s Fundraiser with your child(ren)’s name. Munson’s does not have an online payment set up at this time. If using the order forms, please either order online or send the form and check to the school office by Friday, February 25th.

If you have any questions, please email HSA parent volunteer Karen Harley at

We appreciate your support!