Entries by Saint James School

Fourth Grade Tours Historic Manchester

On Tuesday, May 7th, Saint James School Fourth Graders took a tour of Historic Manchester to learn more about the rich history of our town.  They visited the Manchester History Center, Fire Museum, Old Manchester Museum, Cheney Homestead, and Keeney Schoolhouse.  Volunteers from the Manchester Historical Society were on hand to offer guided tours of […]

International Day A Huge Success

Congratulations to the Saint James School 8th Grade class on the outstanding job they did hosting International Day.  The costumes, props and knowledge of their assigned country were very impressive.  Great job class of 2013!  Pictures from today are below…

SJS Soccer Gear Orders

The deadline for ordering St. James Soccer apparel is this Wednesday evening (May 8). Please order via the attached link.   http://myartisanink.com/page/stjames If you have any questions or problems please contact Jon Sargent @ sjssoccer@charter.net.  Payment is not required when ordering, once the orders are confirmed payments can be dropped off at the office or […]

Spring Concert & Pastor Appreciation Day Pictures

The 3rd Grade classes did a great job performing on their recorders for the school this morning!  In addition, the beginning and advanced bands put on a wonderful performance, followed by several poems and readings for Pastor Appreciation Day.  Below are a few pictures from this morning’s events…               […]

SJS 3rd Graders Participate in the “Great Mail Race”

Mrs. Camposeo’s 3rd grade class is excited to announce the launch of their “Great Mail Race.” Students have been working hard on composing letters, which they recently mailed out to fifty different Catholic schools – one in each state across the country.  The letters contained interesting facts about our school and the town of Manchester. […]