Entries by Saint James School

Due Tomorrow: Final SJS Basketball Apparel Orders

Didn’t get a chance to order everything you wanted?  Saint James School is offering a 2nd opportunity to order SJS basketball apparel!  Attached is the updated order form, which will be due back to the school office with payment by tomorrow Friday, January 10th.  If you have any questions regarding the apparel items, please contact […]

SJS 5th Graders Celebrate Fr. Burns’ 80th

Yesterday, after attending Mass, Saint James School 5th graders celebrated Father Burns’ 80th birthday with a surprise pizza party and, of course, a special 80th birthday cake.  The class presented Father Burns with cards they made and a special picture that all the students had signed.  Below are some pictures from the celebration.     […]

St. James Varsity Gold Girls win St. Patrick’s Tournament

Congratulations to the St. James Varsity Gold Girls basketball team for winning the St. Patrick’s Annual Holiday Tournament over Christmas break, capturing the championship trophy for the third time in four years. In the championship game, Kaylee Jeamel’s 19 points led the team to a 31-13 victory. Kaylee scored 42 points total during the weekend. […]

School Dismissing at 12:05 Today

Saint James School will be dismissing at 12:05pm today due to the weather.  School buses will be running.  Students going to Aftercare must be picked up by 1:00pm.  In addition, all after-school and evening activities at the school are cancelled. Please drive safely and we’ll look forward to seeing everyone back at school tomorrow (or […]

Middle School Dance – Friday, Jan 10th

The Middle School Dance Committee would like to remind our middle school parents that the next dance will be held at Assumption School on Jan 10th from 7:00 to 10:00 pm.    Please remember all students must have a Signed Permission Slip to attend.  Cost of admission for the dance is $5.00. Also, Mark Your […]

Dress Down Day – January 2nd

A huge THANK YOU to everyone who bought in toys for our Christmas toy drive.  Many children who would have gone without will now have presents under the tree thanks to your kindness and generosity.  In honor of your extremely generous support,  we will have a dress down day on Thursday, January 2nd – the […]