Entries by Saint James School

Observing Ash Wednesday

Today our K-8 students observed Ash Wednesday with a prayer service with Father Marcin and Deacon Ramon, with Pre-K3 through Grade 8 students having the opportunity to receive ashes.  Since today is also Valentine’s Day, our students/staff also participated in a $1.00+ dress down day in support of The American Heart Association.

Reminders for This Week

WEDNESDAY * In honor of Valentine’s Day Saint James School students and staff may dress down for a $1.00+ donation to the American Heart Association.  Dollars should be brought in to school on WEDNESDAY and given to the homeroom teacher.  Dress down tops must have red, white, pink, or purple to match the theme.  Bottoms […]

Lenten Rice Bowls

Lent is a time for us to make self-sacrifices in order to aid others.  Our faith calls on us to make this a priority and, as such, we are once again participating in the Lenten Rice Bowl program through Catholic Relief Services. On Ash Wednesday our Pre-K through Grade 8 students will receive their “Rice […]

Reminders/Notes For Next Week

MONDAY * Returning Family Registration information will be sent out via email.  As previously noted, all schools in the Archdiocese of Hartford are rolling out a new student information system through FACTS so please read the details carefully as this is a brand new process for our school.  Questions can be directed to Amy Guenther. […]

3rd Grade Science Fun

SJS 3rd graders have been learning about small animals and habitats as part of their science lessons. On Wednesday students dissected (sanitized) owl “pellets,” as part of their lessons on owls and what they eat. Third graders are also…