Entries by Saint James School

Kindergarten Video

Our Saint James School kindergarten students are making great progress with their reading and writing!!  In honor of Catholic School’s Week, we asked the Kindergartners to write down and share what they liked best about SJS.  Here is what they said (click for video).

Reminder: 1st Communion/1st Penance Meeting Tomorrow Night

Please find attached a letter from Mrs. Macy Jordan, the religious education coordinator for Saint James Church.  If your child will receive the sacraments of First Penance/First Communion this year (2nd grade and up), this letter contains important information about a required meeting for parents along with other important dates. If your child has not […]

2017 SJS Gala Invitation & Details

The SJS Gala committee has been hard at work getting everything ready for our 2017 Saint James School Gala & Auction fundraiser!  Hard copies of the following documents were sent home with students.  Here is all the information in case you need another copy: 2017 SJS Gala Invitation/RSPV Gala Baskets Auction Item Donations/Advertising Jumbotron Message […]

Early Dismissal Reminder

As a reminder, in the event of an early dismissal, all SJS aftercare students must be picked up by 1:00pm.  There is a chance of snow beginning late tomorrow morning to early afternoon, so please make sure you have downloaded one of the local weather apps, subscribed to Text Notifications for Manchester Public Schools (we […]

Ends Tomorrow: Collection for Community Partners in Action

During the month of January, Saint James School has been collecting toiletries and needed supplies for the non-profit group Community Partners in Action.  If you would like to contribute, please have your item(s) in by tomorrow.  Suggested donations by grade are as follows: Pre-K and Kindergarten: q-tips, shampoo/conditioner all in one, soap, razors/shaving cream, neck […]

Dine-Out TODAY

The Saint James School HSA is hosting a Dine-Out Day/Night (11:30am —  10pm) today at Tomato Joe’s Restaurant & Pizzeria in Manchester (located next to Kohls).  Click HERE to visit their website. Present THIS FLYER (paper copy or on your phone) to let them know you are supporting Saint James School!

Catholic Schools Week This Week

Saint James school will be celebrating Catholic Schools Week this week with the following activities: Monday:   Dine-Out day/night at Tomato Joe’s; Tuesday: Prospective Family Open House from 8:30am – 11:00am.  (Please contact Amy Guenther if you know of a family interested in attending or scheduling a tour);  There is no school for the Pre-Kindergarten […]

2016 Tax Statement for Aftercare & Mrs. Mayo’s E-Mail

Any parents utilizing the extended day program, please note your 2016 tax statement will be provided along with your January aftercare statement.  We will have both documents ready for you sometime within the first two weeks of February. If you have any questions please contact Denise Mayo at dmayo@saintjamesschool.net.   Also, please note, if you are […]

Last Call: SJS Parent Survey

At the end of today, we will close out the 2017 SJS Parent Feeback Surveys.  If you have not already done so, please take a few moments to provide your detailed feedback as follows: PRE-KINDERGARTEN If you currently have a child enrolled at the Saint James School Pre-Kindergarten (all families) please use this survey link: […]

Mrs. Plant’s Mother

We regret to inform you that Mary Wertenbach, mother of SJS middle school teacher Mrs. Plante, passed away yesterday.  Her obituary may be read online HERE.  Funeral service will be held on Saturday, January 28th at 1:00 p.m. at St. James Church.  Family and friends may call at the John F. Tierney Funeral Home, 219 […]