Entries by Saint James School

Important Reminders

From the Nurse Parents/guardians need to make arrangements to pick up all student medications from the nurse prior to the last day of school.  Students cannot bring medicines home themselves. If your child has medication at school, please reach out to the Saint James School nurse, Mrs. Pennington, to schedule a pick-up time. Also, medication […]

June 6th – Field Day

Saint James School will host a fun-filled field day for all Kindergarten through 7th Grade students on Thursday, June 6th (rain date: June 7th). On this date, students should come to school in their SJS gym shorts, gym sneakers, and designated-color short sleeve T-shirt: Kindergarten:  White First Grade:  Red Second Grade:  Orange Third Grade:  Yellow […]

Due Tuesday: SJS Mother/Son Event & Father/Son Event

We are excited to share that we had a couple of parent volunteers come forward to organize a mother/son event AND a father/son event for our SJS families to enjoy!! Both events are open to boys that are currently part of the Saint James School Pre-K3 through 8th program and a special adult male/female (depending […]