Arrival & Dismissal Reminders

As a reminder, parents/caregivers should not be parking/stopping for drop off in any areas where we have placed orange cones at arrival and dismissal.  Our maintenance staff puts the cones out to remind families these are “no parking” areas.   Please also remember, it is never appropriate to park in front of our neighbors’ driveways – even if the driver plans to remain in the car.

If you are running late to pick up your student, you must still park in a designated parking area and walk to the dismissal lot to get your child.

If you are picking up a student in the SJS office for an appointment before 1:50pm, you MAY park in front of the school for the few minutes it takes to run into the building and sign your student out.  After 1:50pm, that area is off limits for parking.

Please share this information with anyone who drops off/picks up your student(s).

We appreciate your support of our published arrival and dismissal policies.