Arrival & Dismissal Notes
* For families using the Drop & Go line in the morning – please pull all the way up to the crosswalk (but not on the crosswalk) to let your child(ren) out. The drop & go line is getting longer as more families become comfortable with this option. Remember, Drop & Go also takes place on the other side of the crosswalk as well (in front of the big school & Pre-K parking lot).
* If you park on St. James Street or other on-street parking areas, please do not pull your car up onto the sidewalk to park. Please only park on the pavement.
* Please watch the crossing guards closely at all times when driving in front of the school area.
* ALWAYS cross at the crosswalk (never dart across the street) and NEVER allow your child to exit the car into the street. There is a lot of traffic and safety must be everyone’s number one priority.
* Thank you to all our families for helping arrival and dismissal run so smoothly. We are very grateful!!