Absence Policy Reminders

Per our school’s handbook:

*If a student is absent due to illness for 3 consecutive days a doctor’s note is required in order to return to school.

*Students must be fever-free for 24 hours without the use of medication before they can return to the classroom.

*If a student is absent, he/she is not allowed to attend any school-related activity after school that day.

*For the first 9 absences, a student’s absences are considered excused when the parent or guardian provides proper documentation including the reason for the absence. Such documentation could include an email note from the parent or guardian, a voice mail message regarding the absence, or a telephone call confirming the absence.  For the 10th and all absences thereafter, a student’s absences from school will only be considered excused as documented in the handbook (illness, family emergency, observance of a religious holiday, etc.).

*Students must satisfactorily complete all work missed during an absence. If a student is absent for two consecutive days due to illness, a parent may call the school to ask that the teacher prepare make-up work to be picked up in the office after 2:00pm. If a family takes a vacation which does not coincide with the school calendar, teachers do not have the responsibility of preparing class work ahead of time for the student. Missed work must be submitted within 3 school days of the students return to school.