A Note From Mrs. Zorger

Today, your K-8 student(s) will be bringing home their 2nd trimester report card.  It’s hard to believe that two-thirds of our school year is already complete! As a reminder, the report card envelope must be signed and returned to the school early next week (keep the report card itself at home).

As you and your student(s) review their report card, I ask that you pay particular attention to the numbers in the attendance section. The standard guidelines are 10 or less absences per year and 3 or less tardy arrivals.

I do understand that there have been recurring illnesses this year that have required students to miss an unusual amount of school. Of course, this cannot be helped. However, when illnesses are compounded by vacations and days off for other reasons, the loss of learning time does have an impact on students’ education.

Similarly, if your student has more than 3 tardy arrivals on their report card, we encourage you to have a conversation about your family’s morning routine. Tardy arrivals are disruptive to an entire room of students and negatively impact important classroom time. This loss of learning time adds up. We understand that car trouble or unusual traffic can happen.  If, however, you find yourselves typically getting to school as the breezeway doors are closing or have closed, we ask that you consider adjusting your morning schedule accordingly.

As always, I appreciate your support and partnership.