A Note From Mrs. Zorger
Dear SJS Families,
As another great week of learning comes to a close, I wanted to take the opportunity to once again thank you for your continuous efforts to help our school community remain healthy. I am grateful to all our families for heeding the request to be exceedingly cautious this year by keeping students at home if they show any sign of illness and quarantining students who may have had a COVID exposure through sports, family members, etc. I know it does not come without sacrifice to be vigilant.
As you may have seen, a recent surge of COVID cases in Manchester has moved our town into the RED zone, meaning the state views our town (as well as many of those around us) as a COVID hot-spot. For those families with in-person learners (and remote learners as well), please continue to be extra cautious when it comes to your family’s well-being. Not only do we want to keep all of our classes in the building throughout the coming months, but we want everyone in our extended school family to stay healthy and safe.
Thank you again for your support as we work through the challenges (and triumphs!) of this school year. As always, please do not hesitate to reach out to myself or Mrs. Vignati with any questions or concerns.
Enjoy your weekend!
Bridget Zorger, Principal