100th Anniversary Information

As a reminder, our Fall Festival will take place at Saint James School on Saturday, September 17th.  Grade-level ambassadors have been selected and will all be reaching out to families (by grade) shortly to discuss helping with this event.  If you are not comfortable with your email address being shared with our parent volunteers (for purposes of communicating about the event), please notify Amy Guenther at aguenther@saintjamesschool.net by Sunday, July 31st.

Also, we are in need of additional volunteers to help out in three different areas.  Please use this link to share your interest in helping with one or more of the areas below:  https://forms.gle/F5h6borfReAujtJj7  (Those that already reached out to us may also use this form to indicate where they would like to help).

Gardening Committee – Weed, plant flowers, and mulch the flower beds on the Saint James School campus.  This should be done before the start of school with a quick refresh in advance of our centennial events on September 17th & 18th.

Open House Decorating Committee – Help us finalize plans for our Open House event (for alumni, donors, families, etc.) and participate in set-up/decorating the afternoon of Saturday, September 17th (decorating for Sunday’s event will begin after the Fall Festival ends).

Open House Hospitality Committee – Help make decisions about food and beverages at the event and be at the school on Sunday, September 18th to welcome guests, assist with serving, and clean-up after the Open House concludes.

Questions can be directed to Amy Guenther.  Thank you for your time and support as we celebrate and commemorate this exciting milestone!