State Budget Cuts To Impact Busing?
As you are aware, Connecticut faces some drastic budget cuts. The budgets proposed by both Governor Malloy and the Democratic Legislative Leadership would cut all funds, approximately $28 million, that towns receive to defray the cost of transporting both public and private school students within their boundaries. These cuts will eventually necessitate higher property taxes, since towns must provide school buses to transport both public and private school students.
The Connecticut Catholic Public Affairs Conference is very concerned that should these cuts be enacted it would include a provision that would relieve towns of the current requirement that they transport parochial school students within their community. This, along with the property tax increases that will be necessary,could significantly impact Saint James School.
Safe and dependable transportation to our school is important to many parents. Catholic Schools save the state of $420 million, and our current line item for transportation is under $4 million for the entire state – great savings at a minimal cost.
Even if you don’t currently use the bus, please contact your legislators in order to urge them to reinstate funding for safe and reliable transportation. This proposal was already made and we need you to act today. You can search for your local representative here (once searched, click their name for contact information)
Or, contact our state leaders:
Dannel Malloy
Sen. Martin Looney
President Pro Tempore
Rep. Brendan Sharkey
Speaker of the House