As another year of learning comes to a close we wish to Thank You again for choosing to be part of the Saint James School family, and for the various ways that each of you help make Saint James School such a special place. We wish everyone a healthy, fun, and relaxing Summer Vacation!
Important notes/reminders:
Summer Hours: The school office will be open M – F from 9:00am – 12:00pm.
Teacher Assignments: Teacher assignments for Grades 1 – 8 will be e-mailed a few days before school starts as per our standard protocol; Kindergarten teacher assignments will be sent out in the next couple of weeks along with summer playdate information. Pre-Kindergarten information will be sent to families in mid July.
Summer Assignments: Students in K – 7th grade (entering 1st – 8th) have a summer assignment again this year. For students entering grades 1-5, this is a math review packet; for students entering grades 6 – 8 there is a math review packet AND a reading assignment. Copies of these assignments have been sent home with all students. *Completed packets will be collected by teachers on the first day of school.* Additionally, please ensure your students continue to read on a regular basis throughout the summer months.
Save the Date: On Wednesday, August 28th parents and students (including Pre-K) will have an opportunity to drop by Saint James School in the morning to bring supplies and meet their child’s teacher. Additional details will be forthcoming closer to the start of school. The first day of school for K-8 (and Pre-K4 full-day students) is August 29st – a 12:05pm dismissal day (aftercare will be available).
Hair Reminder: If your child opts to color/highlight their hair this summer or change it into a style that does not meet our uniform dress code, it must be back to their natural color/cut appropriately for school by August 28th (our classroom visit day).
Documents, Forms & Calendars: Documents, forms, and calendars will all be available on our website under the Forms/Docs page. This includes the following, which are also noted below for your convenience:
2024-2025 Athletics Health Permission Form
Supply Lists & Online Ordering Info:
2024-2025 Supply List Grades K-5
2024-2025 Supply List Grades 6-8
This summer you will once again have the option to order your child’s school supplies online and have them delivered directly to your home! In addition, Saint James School receives a percentage of every sale – convenience for you and a great way to support SJS! Plus, if you already have supplies left over from prior years, you can choose not to include those in your purchase. Click Here to Visit the School Toolbox Website.
Multiplication Challenge: And finally, congratulations to the winners of the 2023-2024 multiplication challenge (held annually at SJS for grades 3 – 8) – announced during our awards assembly today! Mrs. Moran’s 3rd grade homeroom earned the most improved trophy and Mr. O’Neill’s 7th grade homeroom won the trophy for best overall score. Nice job Sabers!!