Students in grades K-8 came together this morning to listen to a special guest speaker, Mrs. Donna Finneran and to help her in her ministry. Mrs. Finneran arrived with a car full of supplies which included cases of bottled water, crackers, cookies,  packaged ham salad, soap, shampoo, deodorant, socks, pens, and first aid kits.

Mrs. Finneran spoke to the students about homelessness and shared with them her passion to help homeless people. Donna’s passion began a few years ago with the tragic death of her twin bother who suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder as a result of 9/11. After speaking with the students, many classes were able to gather in the cafeteria to assemble “Brian Bags” which are care packages containing the items brought in by Mrs. Finneran.  The older students helped those in the younger grades. We encourage our SJS parents to ask your children about what they learned this morning.

With their parent’s blessing, our students will be bringing home their Brian Bags tomorrow.  We ask that parents keep the bag in their car to pass along if they encounter someone down on their luck. If you do not want your child to bring home a bag, please notify your child’s teacher by tomorrow morning. 

You can learn more about Donna and her work in the March 2019 issue of the Catholic Transcript.