$1 Green & White Dress Down Day Tomorrow - To Benefit Sandy Hook Schools
Just a reminder that tomorrow is a $1.00 green and white dress…
Box Tops Winners For April
Congratulations to Mrs. Vassallo’s Kindergarten class for winning…
Summer Sports Camps at East Catholic
Each summer, East Catholic holds a number of summer sports camps…
Art Class Fun with the Color Purple
Saint James School Art Teacher Mrs. Kara Sabatella gets dressed…
Important Information For This Year's Kindergarten Parents
Just a reminder that the last full day of school for Kindergarten…
Important Information For This Year's Kindergarten Parents
Just a reminder that the last full day of school for Kindergarten…
Saint James School Mother/Son Event
The Saint James School HSA will host its annual Mother/Son Event…
Father/Daughter Dance
Saint James School would like to extend a huge thank you to the…
1st Graders Release Butterflys
Over the past month, the first grade classes have watched the life…
Tuesday's Sports Banquet
Just a reminder that the SJS All Sports Banquet is being held…
Tuesday's Sports Banquet
Just a reminder that the SJS All Sports Banquet is being held…
Notice From CT Federation of Catholic School Parents Regarding Bus Service
On April 19, 2013, the Appropriations Committee of the General…
Fourth Grade Tours Historic Manchester
On Tuesday, May 7th, Saint James School Fourth Graders took a…
International Day A Huge Success
Congratulations to the Saint James School 8th Grade class on…
Last Middle School Dance of the Year
Assumption school will host the last middle school dance of the…
SJS Soccer Gear Orders
The deadline for ordering St. James Soccer apparel is this Wednesday…
Land's End Offers 30% Off Beginning Thursday, May 16th
Please note, Land's End is having a site wide sale that includes…
Land's End Offers 30% Off Beginning Thursday, May 16th
Please note, Land's End is having a site wide sale that includes…
8th Graders Apply Newton's Laws to "Save The Egg" Project
Today Mrs. Plante's 8th Grade Science Class showcased what they…
8th Graders Apply Newton's Laws to "Save The Egg" Project
Today Mrs. Plante's 8th Grade Science Class showcased what they…