Saint James School Annual Fund Campaign 2019




As is the case with many privately-funded institutions, Saint James School relies upon donations to its Annual Fund Campaign to help finance necessary capital improvements that simply cannot be covered by the tuition paid by our families and are not supported by our other funding sources.

Annual fund donations, which come directly to our school, have helped us make many critical improvements in recent years such as bright, energy-efficient windows in the majority of our school and new, energy-efficient roofs over our classrooms and breezeway.  The impact of these improvements has been significant and your support – no matter how large or small – will make a difference!

In 2019, donations went towards the replacement one final roof on our campus that was over 50 years old – the roof of the pre-kindergarten facility (shown in the picture below).  This building houses our youngest learners and is another component of the exceptional, faith-based education offered at Saint James School (2019 Annual Fund Letter).

Annual Fund Donations 2019

Updated 12/31/19


Thank you to all our friends and families who donated to the SJS 2019 Annual Fund including:

Pastor’s Circle:

*Elaine Anderson
*Timothy & Mary Pat Devanney

 Principal’s Club:

*Aaron & Kathleen Ansaldi
*Dr. Marie-Christine Boucher
*Dr. Tris Carta & Dr. Angelee Diana Carta
*Sylvia & Marek Chacaga
*Bill & Maryann Creamer
*David W. Gay
*Noreen Shugrue & Kevin Kenzenkovic

Blue & Gold:

*Steve Carter
*Patricia Garoppolo in memory of Nancy Gay
*Michael & Carol Goodwin
*Robert Gorman in honor of Maureen, Marion, Susan
* Margaret Kelly in memory Dr. Edward T. Kelly III
*Jonathan Lindberg in memory of Robert Pandolfe
* Michael Lynch & Brenda Foley-Lynch
*John Marchei
*Dr. Kevin A. O’Toole
*Stefan & Alicia Poth

Honor Roll:

*Ryan & Lisa Barry in memory of Hon. David M. Barry (’44)
*Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Brzezinski
*Mr. & Mrs. John Burke III in loving memory of Father James Leo Burke
*Andrew & Lisa Bushnell
*Kathy Camposeo in honor of C & H Nodden and in memory of M. Villano
*Erin Connolly in loving memory of Joe & Winnie Connolly
*Mr. & Mrs. Alex Corl
*Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Crocini
*Robert & Anne Cross
*Willy DeCormier in honor of Father Kevin P. Cavanaugh
*Anthony & Donna DeMarco in honor of Sister Louise
* The Desautels Family in memory of Sister Patricia Barry
*Neil H. Ellis in loving memory of Jonathan George Ellis
*David & Jennifer Fiereck
*Maureen Gorman in honor of Robert Gorman
*Jay Lemelin in loving memory of J. Roger Lemelin
*Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Lewis
*Philip MacVane
*Stephen O’Brien in loving memory of Mary S. O’Brien
*Kenneth & Kristin O’Hara
*Mr. & Mrs. Lew Pelletier
*Kathryn Pennington
*Mr. & Mrs. William Schaal
*Victor Serrambana, Jr.
*Joan Slifer in loving memory of John and Susan Scheibenpflug
*Butch & Jodi Talaga