The School Council is a consultative, volunteer group which advises and supports the Principal and the Pastor in the development and oversight of the school’s mission, standards of excellence, and operational vitality.

The School Council meets bi-monthly from September through June to support the administration and faculty as they strive for academic excellence. The Council promotes the school in a number of ways: by an annual review of the school’s fidelity to its mission; by assisting in the development of school policy and monitoring compliance; by assisting the administration in strategic planning for the school; by supporting the school in the formulation, implementation and annual updating of an advancement program; and by assisting in the development and revision of the school’s operational budget. In addition to their role on the Council, each member serves on at least one of the standing sub-committees: advancement, finance, strategic planning, or technology. Additional ad hoc committees are created as specific needs arise.

Guided by a formal constitution, the School Council consists of no fewer than nine and no more than twelve members, in addition to the Pastor, the Principal, and the Director of Advancement. At least one third of the members are to be parents or legal guardians of students in the school. The remainder of the Board may be drawn from non-parent representatives of the parish community, school alumni, and the greater Manchester community. The Pastor, the Principal, and the Assistant Principal, by virtue of their roles, are ex-officio members of the Council and have no vote.

Members of the Council are expected to maintain the highest level of honesty, integrity, and impartiality in the fulfillment of the duties of the Board.

Nonmembers who wish to address the Council must submit a written request to the Chairperson, at least seven days in advance of the meeting, setting forth the matter to be discussed. Requests will be honored if the business is appropriate for the Council’s agenda and sufficient time is available.


2024-2025 School Council Chair: Kevin Flood