Virtue of Charity

We are taking our virtue of the month to the next level and asking you – our SJS families – to send us pictures of things you do to practice this month’s virtue of CHARITY during your everyday life.

As Mrs. Zorger explained to the students during Rosary yesterday, charity means being generous with our presence, time, and money. Charity allows us to give freely without expecting anything in return and the virtue of charity is an essential sign of faith, strengthening our love of God and our neighbors.

Perhaps you can show charity by:  donating toys, food, books, sports equipment and clothing; volunteering your time at a local charity; starting a “donation jar” and putting aside a portion of your allowance/income; dropping off pet food or other needed items to an animal shelter; reading and discussing bible passages and books about charity; visiting and sharing stories with your grandparents; praying together for people in need; offering your time to help a neighbor with a chore; sponsoring a child; knitting scarves or making blankets for a shelter; making cards or place mats for a local soup kitchen or “meals on wheels” program; delivering a meal or baked treat to an elderly friend; spending time with someone who could use some special company; making “blessing bags” to give to homeless shelters; participating as a family in a charity run or walk.

In whatever way your family chooses to show charity, we’d love for you to share!  Email your picture with a short description to and we will put together a fun compilation to share with the school community at the end of the month.